What is blood? Give the composition properties and function.
Ans; Blood is specialized fluid connective tissue in which there is liquid intercellular substance, plasma and formed elements (RBC,WBC,platelets ) suspended in the plasma which circulate in close system of blood vessels, it thick red and slightly alkaline.
Composition of blood;
A. Cellular substance: 45% (41%-46%)
1. Erythrocytes or RBC
2. Leucocytes or WBC
3. Thrombocytes or platelets
B. Plasma :55% (55%-58%)
1. Liquid substance –(91-92)%
2. Solid substance (8-9)%
*Inorganic substance;
Sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, Zink , Magnesium, phosphorus,
Copper etc.
*Organic substance; 7.5%
a. Protein : serum albumin, serum globulin, Fibrinogen, prothombin
b. Non protein: Urea, Uric acid, xanthenes, Hypo xanthenes,
amino acid, creatine.
c. Fats; Nutral fat, phospholipids, cholesterol, cholesterides,
d. Carbohydrate: glucose, sucrose etc.
e. Other substance : internal secretion, anti-body, and other
various enzymes .
f. Coloring matters: yellow colors of plasma is due to small
amount of bilirubin
Properties of Blood :
1.Blood volume : 5-6 liters.
2.Normal reaction : Slightly alkaline.PH 7.36 to 7.45
3. Viscosity : 4.5 times more viscous then water.
4. Taste : Salty.
5. colour : Red.
Function of Blood:
1. It transports respiratory gasses and nutrients, ( RBC)
2. It acts as vehicles: Hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and other chemical are brought their places of activity through blood stream.
3. It regulates body temperature.
4. It regulates water and electrolytic balance.
5. It maintains acid base balance.
6. Defensive function :
a) WBC is phagocyte properties engulf bacteria
b) It develops antibody which combat toxic agent
7. Excretory function: The metabolic end products and other
east products are carried by blood to the organ exertion
with kidney .
8. Regulation of blood pressure : It regulates blood pressur
by changing volume and viscosity of blood.
9. It maintains colloidal osmotic pressure – By the action of
plasma proteins .
10. Prevent hemorrhage: By the process of coagulation it
prevent hemorrhage.
Md. Jakir hossain
BHMS ( Dhaka Univesity)
MOB: 01936438687.
Email; jakir78697@yahoo.com
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